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Wildcatt Orchids is the comprehensive orchid database program that lets you intelligently access up to date information in Sander's List of Orchid Hybrids and Awards Quarterly. Whether you are interested in breeding or in showing orchids, Wildcatt Orchids is an invaluable tool!

Over the years, the list of registered orchid hybrids maintained by the Royal Horticultural Society has grown to encompass seven volumes with more than 100,000 total entries. Acquiring these books, if you can find them, would cost many hundreds of dollars. Similarly, there have been well over 50,000 awards granted to orchid species and hybrids in the last 27 years since the Awards Quarterly magazine was first published, with more than 1500 new awards being added each year. Sifting through these publications to find information about particular hybrids can be a daunting and time consuming task.

The Wildcatt Orchids database puts all this information at your finger-tips at a fraction of what it would cost to buy all of these publications. Better yet, with Wildcatt there's no thumbing through mountains of books and magazines to find the information you want. Just type the first few letters of the hybrid or species you are interested in and its information is immediately displayed. Further specialized parts of Wildcatt allow you to quickly generate genealogies back to species, create progeny lists for any number of generations, find out if a cross has been registered, and more!

Data updates are available twice a year. The Wildcatt Orchids database is updated every six months--March 1 and September 1--and contains the most current data available anywhere!

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Awards of the Past Year: Click here to see listings and statistics of the most highly awarded orchids of the year (Awards published March 1998 through the present).

Last Revised: 4-December-2002
Copyright © 1998-2002 Wildcatt Database Company. All rights reserved.

Send comments to: orchids@WildcattData.com